Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Way Of Art

In today's world serious artists must compete with millions of good-intentioned people who simply wish to see their name in print or believe they have an idea which might sell. So be it. A hundred years ago, writers were considered as professionals who not only entertained but offered something truly inspirational -- and because of the dearth of true artists each writer had only to compete with him or herself and the several thousand who dared take up such an uncertain career.

I mention this only as a way to bring my main point to its proper perspective. In the east many things -- if not most -- were considered 'Art' and were accomplished or at least attempted accordingly. This is the origin of the word 'do': As in a 'Way' to true self-cultivation. This work, for those who took it up with sincerity and zeal, was understood to be the work of a lifetime. Hence creativity and spirituality were of one and the same work. Today we have for the most part lost this. Sensationalism and mere entertainment have supplanted any higher purpose for the work of art. I believe the the purpose of Art is to Awaken. Not to put us into a deeper sleep: TV and useless faddish magazines, video games, and so on are quite enough to dull the senses sent forth from our deepest longings and the ultimate mystery at the base of being a human being in this magnificent universe.

I do not mean to criticize anyone. Our culture -- or lack thereof -- has created this miasma of mediocrity. My main point is that it is getting difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. Does quality have the same significance it had, say, one hundred years ago? How can something truly great find its way through the morass of work that is art in name only? I wish I knew.

I have spent most of my life in pursuit of the cultivation mentioned above, in meditating, in reading, and in editing. And now, on occassion the words come of themselves like some Zen flow of grace and I realize that at last I am approaching the very thing I had sought so many years ago. Not there yet, perhaps, but still working. . .

So I invite the young inexperienced artists who will shape the future culture to take up 'The Way of Art' with sincerity and hard-work, with less interest in credits or premature publication than in discovering that which is most genuine within them and seek to express this, to use it in their characters, and to leave behind quality even at the cost of fame . . . You may find that your characters come alive and you achieve a kind of immortality -- they may even instruct you as to how to portray them. You may one day find yourself at the keyboard in a state of unusual clarity with your very own creativity and spirit, that only you can express, reaching out into the infinite. Perhaps then you will receive the joy of having lived your purpose, whether name and fame follow or not.

In any case I wish everyone the best of luck in this work -- for it is not easy. Sacrifice never is.

I have just finished a novel: WHEN THE SONG LEFT THE SEA
and have an active backlist: LEAVING BLUE MOUNTAINS (poetry)
NAMELESS TRAVELER (memoir of an American poet) which will soon be re-issued in a significantly different form.
I have my first book-signing for the novel in November here in California. This is my first blog, and I intend to make an effort to put much of my writings online as much as possible. Thank you for reading this and I wish you the best.


I anyone is interested in any of these books, I can be contacted at: